Indonesia is one of the largest maritime countries in the world with its territory surrounded by oceans. With this competitive advantage, Indonesia has the potential for abundant marine resources, especially in the fisheries sector. Indonesia is one of the largest fish-producing countries in the world, ranking third after China and India. According to Eddy Afriyanto, Field Supervisor of the Peda Kembung Community Service Program (KKN PPM) in the Unpad X Earth Hour Bandung Virtual KKN PPM Workshop "Tarik Pedati" held on Tuesday (28/7), fish is one of the most important foods for humans, where two to three percent of the protein needed by humans can be fulfilled only by consuming fish. In reality, the level of fish consumption in Indonesia is still very low compared to Singapore and Malaysia, with a consumption rate of only 50 kg/person/year.
One of the processed fish products that is favored by the public is Peda Kembung. Peda itself is a food made from mackerel fish that is fermented and processed with the addition of salt. The addition of salt is intended to select various microorganisms and produce proteolytic enzymes. These proteolytic enzymes then break down proteins into amino acids that can provide the savory taste found in Peda Kembung. The salting process for peda usually uses krosok salt.
Peda itself has been widely known for a long time and is favored by the public, especially by the people of West Java. "However, in consuming peda fish, there is an obstacle in its very salty taste, where the salty taste can trigger high blood pressure," said Eddy Afriyanto in the Tarik Pedati workshop.
The Unpad X Earth Hour Bandung Virtual KKN PPM Workshop "Pull the Pedati: Variative and Interesting Tips to Make Peda More Popular" is the culminating event of the entire Peda Kembung SCS-CEL series. Tarik Pedati aims to invite the people of Indonesia, especially West Java, to recognize the variety of Peda Kembung processed products in collaboration with the Earth Hour Bandung City Coordinator for the 2019/2020 Period, Arsellia Dwi Handayani as the presenter. In her workshop, Arsellia explained about the processed Peda Kembung and its relationship with the Wise Food Movement of the Archipelago initiated by WWF Indonesia and partners. Pangan Bijak Nusantara has four principles: local, sustainable, healthy, and fair. The local point in the Wise Foodways of the Archipelago principle is intended so that our food preparations, both traditional and modern, are able to host in their own country. This local point is then the main focus of the implementation of the Pedati Pulling Workshop, where the Unpad Virtual KKN PPM 2020 Peda Kembung team hopes that peda pembung can be widely recognized by the public and become a representation of Indonesia as a maritime country.
The Unpad Virtual Integrative KKN PPM 2020 Peda Kembung activity has been going on since July 1, 2020, consisting of 13 students from various faculties and chaired by Haidar Aqilash Shidqy, Management Student, Faculty of Economics and Business Class of 2017. In its implementation, the team made breakthroughs aimed at introducing processed peda fish widely to the community, especially the younger generation with the hope that these activities could trigger an increase in peda fish consumption for the community. KKN PPM which is carried out online is directly guided by Dr. Ir. Eddy Afrianto, M.Si., as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Unpad.
In addition to the Pedati Pulling Workshop, the activities carried out by the team are Wikipeda. Wikipeda is educational content to the public through Instagram as a promotional medium that is uploaded weekly. In addition to Wikipeda, the team also conducted several "cooking demonstrations" by creating processed Peda Kembung products, with the hope that processed Peda Kembung will be more diverse and can be enjoyed by various groups of people. The resulting products are Peda Croquettes Peda de Croqueta, Peda Peyek Rastreligger Chips, and Peda Goyang Lidah. To answer the concern about the high salt content in Peda Kembung, which is feared to trigger high blood pressure disease, the team also created educational video content entitled Hypertension Friendly Peda containing tips for reducing salt levels in Peda Kembung so that peda can be consumed by the wider community without worrying about the threat of high blood pressure. Hypertension-Friendly Peda can be accessed through the "KKN 2020" YouTube channel.
Thus, the Unpad 2020 Peda Kembung Virtual KKN PPM Team hopes that the activities that have been carried out can have a positive impact on the people of Indonesia, especially West Java residents, in consuming food wisely and making an active contribution to the sustainability of the archipelago's food security.