The fires are still burning in parts of Riau Province. The smoke is getting so thick that it's suffocating, but it doesn't stop principals and teachers from attending the Green Entrepreneurship, Writing and Documentation Training. This training is part of the Education for Sustainable Development WWWF-Indonesia Program which was held on September 18-21, 2019 at Rumah Belajar Air in Tanjung Village, Koto Kampar Hulu District, Kampar Regency.
This training was attended by representatives of teachers from 4 schools in Tanjung Village which are assisted by WWF-Indonesia in sustainable education. The atmosphere of the training room became increasingly noisy, when participants began to draw, to explain the brochure about the business plan that they wanted to develop. Participants seemed so happy, when they began to discuss and peer groups then expressed their business plans on a paper and colored.
This green entrepreneurship training aims to develop small business initiatives that are economical, environmentally friendly, profitable and socially responsible, and on the other hand are expected to increase the school's income.
Participants were divided into 4 groups and were required to develop a business plan to be carried out complete with brochures or promotional media.
"What is certain is that the planned business does not damage the environment and must be profitable," said Rini Andriani, presenter and representative of WWF-Indonesia.
After determining the business idea that will be chosen, participants began to explain the business idea that will be carried out. After obtaining an explanation of the business idea, participants began to develop business ideas, develop marketing plans including consumers, prices, places, promotional media and others.
There are groups that plan to develop agro-tourism, natural healthy vegetable and fruit stalls. Participants seemed so excited and enthusiastic about the training provided. There is a special pleasure for the participants when they draw, color and then explain each business plan that has been planned.
One of the interesting ideas is the agritourism development plan named Maisiok River Agrotourism. Maisiok River is the name of the river in Tanjung Village, this river used to have abundant water discharge, used by the community as a spring for rice fields as well as fish ponds. But now the water discharge has decreased due to the loss of forest cover.
"The concept of agro-tourism, we want to replant open lands with productive fruit plants as well as a place of recreation," said M.Ikbal, a representative of the Agro-tourism group.
In line with this planned business idea, WWF-Indonesia Riau Program also has a rehabilitation program for the Koto Panjang reservoir catchment area in Tanjung Village with an area of 82.5 ha. This program is based on the concern of the degradation of the area around the reservoir that has occurred for years while this area is a supplier of electrical energy for Riau and West Sumatra. If the program is successful, in 10-20 years the business plan will be realized and Tanjung Village will become an agro-forestry tourism destination.
"In this activity there are a lot of learning methods that can be applied such as learning Indonesian language related to business planning, math related to business capital calculation, and also the value of art obtained from pictures as a media for product promotion," explained Rini Andriani.
Through this activity, WWF-Indonesia wants to help the Department of Education and schools so that the 2013 Curriculum can run well. In addition, green entrepreneurship can encourage each school to develop the potential of the school so that it can become an agent of change in a small scope at school and can be transmitted to the village community.
WWF-Indonesia through the Education for Sustainable Development Program also motivates educators to learn to write. Writing is one of the ways that can be done to introduce school activities to the outside world. Harry B. Koriun, a senior reporter in Pekanbaru, gave a short training on writing. Participants were given an understanding of the basic techniques in writing news and features. It is hoped that participants from each school can write about activities in their school and can be published one of them on
Participants also gained knowledge about photography provided by a photography practitioner in Pekanbaru, Fachrozi Amri. Photography is important in supporting good writing. In the tsunami disaster, for example, information through photos became an absolute thing to be able to convey messages to the public. It is hoped that every activity in the school will be well documented, so that it can introduce the school and also motivate other schools.
Each school has its own potential resources, some have large areas of land, have plantations and other potential that can be developed to increase income to the school. Through the Sustainable Development Education program, school communities are expected to become wise managers of natural resources.
A wise saying from the Cree Indian Tribe, "When the last tree has been cut down, the last drop of water has been polluted and the last fish has been caught, only then will man realize that money cannot be eaten." Let's not let Indonesia's generation become complacent with the natural resources that seem abundant around them.