By: Dwina Sagitanova (Volunteer Panda Mobile)
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle or better known as 3R is one of the green lifestyles that has started to be implemented by some people. This lifestyle is one way to reduce waste. SMA Pelita Harapan Karawaci who are members of the Recycling Club.
Panda Mobile team had the opportunity to discuss with students from grades 10-12 of the high school. This activity was held during Pelita Harapan School's Athletic Day.
The Panda Mobile Team started the activity with an introductory presentation about WWF followed by the current state of the environment which is connected to the existence of animals that are increasingly endangered and completed with a presentation on recycling (recycle). During the presentation, the Panda Mobile Team also inserted two videos about the state of waste in the Ciliwung River and the #JanganPlastik campaign.
After getting information from WWF, participants were invited to discuss with the Recycling Club. In addition to Recycling Club members, the discussion was also attended by students who were interested in learning about recycling. During the discussion, Nathania, one of the Pelita Harapan High School students, asked about the use of cassava bags or cassava-based plastic and the use of reusable pads for women. The Recycling Club members also took the opportunity to exchange experiences with Panda Mobile's volunteers regarding the activities they have done at school.
The activity was closed with a group photo of Recycling Club members. The Recycling Club coach hopes that with this discussion, students can have a broader picture of waste and are increasingly aware of changing their lifestyle to a greener or environmentally friendly lifestyle.