Derawan Islands is one of the areas that has the best tourism potential in East Kalimantan. The local to national government has made several efforts to protect the area and echo the tourism potential of the Derawan Islands to the public. In 2005, Derawan Island was nominated as a UNESCO world heritage site. Then the Derawan Islands have also been designated as a Coastal and Small Islands Conservation Area (KKP3K) based on the Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number 87 / KEPMEN-KP / 2016.
Not only that, in 2021, Derawan Island received an award at the Indonesian Tourism Village Award organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. In line with this, the Derawan Island community has a dream to become a sustainable marine tourism destination. Thus, a tourism drive agent such as the Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS) was formed in 2017 under the name POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa.
Sumping nusa comes from the Bajau language, which means the shoots of flowers that will develop. The name has the hope that this group will be able to realize Derawan Island Village into a beautiful, comfortable, clean, full of hospitality and memories, which is able to make the best contribution to the community and tourists. Since its establishment, POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa has several work programs and local business units, and has many partners, ranging from government, community groups, academics, and non-governmental organizations.
POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa in Coral Reef Rehabilitation Efforts
Through the Ocean Governance project supported by the European Union, WWF Indonesia Foundation began assisting POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa since 2021. Some of the programs implemented together are group institutional strengthening and community capacity building related to conservation. In addition, together with the Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of East Kalimantan Province, Pokdarwis Sumping Nusa also contributed to the coral reef rehabilitation program using the rock pile method implemented in the Derawan Islands Conservation Area, precisely in Karang Tebba Binga, Gusung Senggalau Utara and Gusung Senggalau Timur. Where, these locations will become alternative tourist destinations for tourists visiting Derawan Island, which are managed by groups.
For the efforts that have been made in protecting and rehabilitating the coral reefs, POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa had the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge related to this at the second Learning Exchange Program in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia on 12-14 October 2022.
This Learning Exchange program is a forum for mutual support and exchange of learning on conservation area management between academics, practitioners from various countries and regions, and local communities in coral reef rehabilitation efforts. On this occasion, WWF Indonesia Foundation conveyed about the program, coral reef rehabilitation using the rock pile method that has been implemented in Indonesia, especially in the Derawan and Alor Islands. In addition, Pokdarwis Sumping Nusa as a representative of local community groups, also shared stories about their experiences and involvement in reef rehabilitation efforts using the rock pile method in the Derawan Islands Conservation Area.
"This (learning exchange activity) is a new thing for me personally. I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to increase my knowledge about conservation area management. Especially to be able to meet and exchange stories with marine conservation experts from various countries," said Hariadi, a representative from Pokdarwis Sumping Nusa Derawan who attended the learning exchange.
Sumping Nusa POKDARWIS Winner of East Kalimantan POKDARWIS Competition & Jamboree
The Berau Culture and Tourism Office held a selection of POKDARWIS competitions at the Regency level in August 2022. Through the selection, which was attended by several POKDARWIS, the three best candidates were selected based on the assessment of a team of judges from the Berau Culture and Tourism Office. After further observation and confirmation, Sumping Nusa Derawan POKDARWIS was selected as the representative of Berau Regency to the POKDARWIS competition at the East Kalimantan Province level.
Furthermore, representatives of the East Kalimantan Provincial Tourism Office, Berau Regency Culture and Tourism Office, and the East Kalimantan Provincial POKDARWIS Competition assessment team visited Derawan Island on November 5, 2022. The POKDARWIS competition assessment team came from various institutions, namely Budi Wahjono, SE, CHIA as GM of Mercure Ibis Hotels Samarinda; Said Keliwar, M. Sc from Politeknik Negeri Samarinda; and Dr. Erwiantono, S. Pi, M. Si from Mulawarman University Samarinda.
The visit aimed to conduct direct observation and confirmation. In this activity, WWF Indonesia Foundation was also invited to get acquainted and discuss the group mentoring activities that have been and will be implemented on Derawan Island, especially those related to sustainable tourism. In its presentation to the assessment team, Pokdarwis Sumping Nusa talked about its institutional structure, partners, work plan, managed tourism attractions, and short- and long-term work programs. One of POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa's current programs is a collaborative program with WWF Indonesia Foundation, namely coral reef rehabilitation using the rock pile method in the Derawan Islands Conservation Area.
"We (POKDARWIS) hope that this coral reef rehabilitation program can be a medium in inviting the community to change behavior that damages the environment," said the Secretary of Pokdarwis Sumping Nusa, Indra Mahardika.
Budi Wahjono added, "In the future, POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa Derawan can work with related partners to create a policy on plastic waste. Thus, the use of single-use plastics in Derawan Island can be reduced".
After completing this observation stage, POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa Derawan was invited to attend the East Kalimantan POKDARWIS Jamboree held on November 23, 2022 in Penajam Paser Utara. This activity was opened by the Governor of East Kalimantan represented by the Expert Staff of the Governor of East Kalimantan for SDA Economy III, Christianus Benny, S.HUT, MH.
"I really appreciate the holding of this activity, and I hope this POKDARWIS Competition and Jamboree can build a forum for POKDARWIS in districts or cities to fight for common interests, exchange experiences and knowledge and promote Sapta Pesona Tourism Indonesia and build networks among POKDARWIS members throughout East Kalimantan," said Christianus Benny.
After passing through the long assessment stage, Sumping Nusa POKDARWIS won 1st place in the East Kalimantan POKDARWIS Competition in 2022, as well as 1st place in the Favorite Stand at the event held by the East Kalimantan Provincial Tourism Office. With these achievements, Sumping Nusa Derawan POKDARWIS will advance to compete in the national level competition.
POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa together with the East Kalimantan Provincial Marine and Fisheries Office and WWF Indonesia Foundation will continue to improve the practice of environmentally friendly tourism such as when interacting with whale sharks. In addition, it will also create a pocket book of guidelines for interacting with whale sharks, as well as provide training on interacting with environmentally friendly whale sharks to local tour guides.
Furthermore, as a long-term program, POKDARWIS Sumping Nusa and partners will conduct patrols every week and monitor coral reef growth every 3 months throughout the year. Then, managing the coral reef rehabilitation site as a new tourist destination (diving spot), which will become the education center for coral reef rehabilitation on Derawan Island. These efforts are expected to maintain the coral reef ecosystem in Derawan Islands. Support from the wider community is also needed so that the effectiveness of management in the Derawan Islands Conservation Area can be improved. Moreover, if the rehabilitation site can have a good impact on the economy of the surrounding community, especially on sustainable marine tourism.