After conducting the first virtual seminar in June 2020 with the theme "Nature Harmony and Local Wisdom", Earth Hour Medan, Earth Hour Jayapura, and Earth Hour Asmat collaborated again and conducted a webinar and virtual tour on September 12, 2020. The activity, which was held in the spirit of celebrating National Conservation Day (10/08), took the theme "Traditional Conservation". This webinar aims to increase general public awareness of conservation and preservation of Indonesia's nature, especially conservation efforts carried out traditionally through local wisdom that exists in every region in Indonesia.
This webinar presented several speakers including Rahman Muda Maulana (Horas Diving Club, Medan), Anis Sundoy (sea turtle conservationist in Tambrauw), Bambang Birawa (former bird of paradise hunter), Yohanis Ayamiseba (manager of Sasi Menarbu, Cenderawasih Bay), Dede Penyu (sea turtle conservationist in Aceh), and Calvin Waisimon (ecotourism manager in Rhepang Muaif, Nimbokrang). The event was also moderated by Bella Patty (EH Jayapura), hosted by Nurhasanah Auliani (EH Medan), and attended by around 80 participants who live in Sumatra to Papua.
The presence of speakers from different backgrounds made this webinar bring new insights and diverse perspectives to participants regarding conservation efforts made to protect nature. One interesting story came from one of the speakers named Calvin Waisimon. Calvin is a 16-year-old teenager who has become a tour guide for bird of paradise watching ecotourism in Isyo Hills in Rhepang Muaif, Nimbokrang District, Papua. In his conservation efforts, Calvin follows in the footsteps of his father, Alex Waisimon, who played a major role in the conservation of birds of paradise there and ultimately brought prosperity to the people in his village. Calvin and his family's efforts have also succeeded in changing the mindset of Bambang Birawa, a former bird of paradise hunter who now chooses to protect the beauty of the bird of paradise in Papua.
Not only Papuan speakers, speakers from Sumatra also shared their stories with the participants about conservation efforts in their regions. One of the stories came from Rahman Muda Maulana, an academic at a state university in North Sumatra who explained how to protect the sea so that it can be preserved. In this webinar, Rahman gave tips on seaside travel ethics by reducing the use of plastic materials when traveling and also having to respect local rules.
The implementation of this webinar received a positive response from the participants. One of the participants named Tasya Pricilia Iriana Rumatray said that the virtual tour concept implemented in this webinar made it very interesting and interactive. "I felt like I was really at the scene," she concluded.
This webinar is expected to make participants understand the meaning of conservation, and can inspire everyone to be involved and actively participate in traditional conservation efforts that can be carried out and implemented in their respective regions. Anyone can be a conservationist, either individually or in a group without limiting the background of the individual. Because caring for and maintaining ecosystems is the responsibility of all of us.