Mangroves: Important Habitat for Sea Tuntong and Shrimp
The coastal district of Aceh Tamiang is characterized by a population of mangroves located on the beach and close to residential areas.
The waters of Aceh Tamiang are one of the top tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) broodstock producing areas and consistently serve as a source of broodstock for tiger shrimp hatcheries throughout Indonesia. Tiger shrimp is one of the fishery commodities that has high economic value and is an export commodity that is in demand by the world market. In addition, Aceh tiger shrimp is known as one of the best quality shrimp in the world and is known as black tiger or tiger shrimp (Soetomo, 2000). Some areas in Aceh Tamiang that have the potential to be used as tiger shrimp nursery areas such as Kuala Berangau, Kuala Sungai Udang, and Kuala Peunaga. The results of the analysis showed the highest abundance of post larval shrimp in Kuala Peunaga (13,737 ind/1,000 m3), Kuala Sungai Udang (6,362 ind/1,000 m3) (BP2KP-KKP, 2016).
The increasing number of human activities towards the exploitation of natural resources leads to reduced potential and biodiversity and allows the extinction of biota as a result of habitat destruction. Based on the results of spatial analysis in 2017 conducted by WWF-Indonesia in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University showed a decrease in mangrove area in Aceh Tamiang Regency from 2013 to 2017 by 1,342 ha. This decrease in mangrove area is the largest compared to the decrease in mangrove area in other regions in Aceh Province (WWF, 2017). This decline was caused by the conversion of mangrove forests into palm oil, ponds, and the need for raw materials for making charcoal wood (BPSPL Padang, 2018).
Habitat and land degradation in several mangrove population areas in Aceh Tamiang has had an impact on tiger shrimp and tuntong laut populations. In addition, the decline of tiger shrimp populations in the wild is also caused by overfishing using non-selective fishing gear such as bottom trawlers and bottom trawlers, as well as the introduction of vannamei shrimp, which caused the introduction of the IHHNV virus, making tiger shrimp vulnerable to disease (BP2KP-KKP, 2016). Without any management efforts, it will potentially damage the diversity of species and ecosystems found in the coastal areas of Aceh Tamiang District.
Reserves Regional Marine Conservation Area
Seeing this condition, the District Government of Aceh Tamiang initiated management efforts starting with the protection of Sea Tuntong, marked by issuing Aceh Tamiang Regent Regulation Number 2 of 2014 concerning the Protection and Preservation of Sea Tuntong Species which then in 2016 became a Regional Regulation / Qanun of Aceh Tamiang Regency, Aceh Province Number 3 of 2016 concerning the Protection of Sea Tuntong Species. This effort was then continued with several socializations about the importance of efforts to manage and protect the diversity of species, habitats and ecosystems of the coastal areas of Aceh Tamiang Regency.
The awareness of the community began to arise until on June 21, 2018, Panglima Laot Aceh Tamiang took the initiative to send a letter requesting the reserve of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia submitted through BPSPL Padang. As if on cue, on November 26, 2018, the Governor of Aceh established the Aceh Marine Protected Area Reserve based on the Decree of the Governor of Aceh Number 523/1297/2018 concerning the Determination of Aceh Marine Protected Area Reserve, where the Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park Marine Protected Area with an area of 2,797.21 Ha is included in it. The development of this marine protected area aims to protect important habitats, species and commodities within it, as well as to ensure sustainable community benefits.
After the reserve, the next challenge is to encourage the establishment by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the acceleration of the preparation of Management and Zoning Plan (RPZ) documents, as one of the important documents that will be used to ensure the effectiveness of future management and also as a condition for the establishment of MPAs. Prior to the preparation of the RPZ document, the stages that must be carried out are the formation of the Working Group (Pokja) for the Compilation of Management Plan and Zoning Documents for Marine Protected Areas and capacity building of the Pokja team.
As a form of collaboration, WWF-Indonesia supported the training on the use of Miradi application as a non-spatial analysis tool in the preparation of RPZ documents, while BPSPL Padang facilitated the activity on April 8-9, 2019. This activity was not only attended by DKP Aceh, BPSPL Padang but also attended by several other provincial DKPs and partners such as DKP Riau, DKP Jambi, DKP Riau Islands, DKP North Sumatra, LKKPN Pekanbaru, Flora Fauna International. So that the results of this training can be a reference for the development of MPAs in other places.
Preparation of Zoning of Aceh Tamiang MPAs
The Governor of Aceh established a team to prepare the Management Plan and Zoning Document for Marine, Coastal and Small Island Conservation Areas (RPZ KKP3K) in Aceh in 2019 through the Decree of the Governor of Aceh Number 523/ 528 of 2019 concerning the Establishment of the Team to Prepare the Management Plan and Zoning Document for Marine, Coastal and Small Island Conservation Areas in Aceh. The Decree on the Formation of the Working Group became a reference for the parties to move together, going through stage by stage to finalize the RPZ document. Here, the role of partnership is strongly felt. All parties who are members of the Pokja provide support based on their main tasks and functions. Likewise, WWF also contributed to providing technical assistance and mentoring to DKP Aceh, BPSPL Padang and the Pokja Team, especially in the preparation of the RPZ KKP3K Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park.
In addition to providing capacity building support in non-spatial analysis, WWF also provides support by being involved in spatial analysis using the Marxan application and writing draft documents of the RPZ KKP3K Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park.
Stage by stage, starting with data collection from all partners, conducting gap analysis related data and information needs, conducting spatial and non-spatial analysis to provide recommendations for scenario choices for zoning based on scientific data and existing conditions, conducting field verification with the community and Panglima Laot. Another important process is conducting public consultation meetings to get input from stakeholders and local communities. The public consultation itself involved all elements involved and related to the management of this area such as: DKP Aceh, Bappeda Aceh Tamiang, DPKP Aceh Tamiang, KPH III DLHK Aceh, Samudra University, several local NGOs in Aceh Tamiang, Panglima laot Aceh Tamiang and fishermen representatives from each coastal village within the area.
The preparation of the final RPZ document for KKP3K Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park has finally been completed. The process of submitting documents from the Working Group Team to DKP Aceh was carried out on November 8, 2019. With these stages passed, the Governor of Aceh issued a letter requesting the establishment of the Aceh Regional Marine Protected Area Number 523/103 dated January 6, 2020 concerning Request for Determination of Aceh Regional Marine Protected Area.
Authorization of Aceh Tamiang Marine Protected Area
The process continued, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Ministry of KP) began the evaluation process on January 30, 2020. The Ministry invited DKP Aceh to discuss the revised RPZ document. The MPA in Aceh Tamiang is proposed as a Coastal and Small Islands Conservation Area (KKP3K) managed as a Coastal Park. KKP3K Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park received a minor revision to the zoning area. DKP Aceh immediately responded by revising the document. Then the Ministry of KP through the Bureau of Legal Organization (BHO) held an online meeting to discuss the draft Ministerial Decree for the establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Aceh Province on April 9, 2020. KKP3K Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park was asked to uniform the writing and colors on the map legend, adjusting the maps of other areas. This revision can be completed by the drafting team well.
The long journey ended beautifully. After a winding struggle, July 13, 2020, the Aceh Tamiang Marine Protected Area was designated by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries through Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number 77/Kepmen-Kp/2020 concerning the Aceh Tamiang Coastal and Small Islands Conservation Area and Its Surrounding Waters in Aceh Province to be managed as the Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park and Its Surrounding Waters in Aceh Province.
The effort to provide protection for mangroves, sea turtles and natural tiger shrimp in Aceh Tamiang District is entering a new phase. But the process is not over and will never be. There are still many challenges that need to be faced. But steps are no longer ambiguous, the Decree of Determination from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs is the basis for collaborating in management. The challenge ahead is how to ensure the effective management of the Aceh Tamiang Coastal Park MPA3K to ensure the ecosystem, important habitats and species within it are well maintained, and ensure sustainable benefits that can be felt by the community.