Humans need food but the way we produce and consume food has stretched the earth beyond its capacity. Changes to our food system are all the more necessary as the world's population is projected to rise to 9 billion in the next few years. We want to bring together stakeholders from all aspects of the food system and make decisions that ensure the health of people and the planet.
The food system is one of the biggest threats to nature today. It uses most of our natural resources - 69% of our water and 34% of our land. Its implementation causes 75% of deforestation, 30% of topsoil erosion, and contributes to at least 24% of greenhouse gas emissions.
In fact, 821 million people still go hungry while another 1.9 billion people are overweight or obese. Existing food systems have resulted in 70% of biodiversity loss and 93% of our fisheries stocks are overfished. Not only that, not all food products are consumed. About 1/3 of food is lost in the supply chain or wasted.
Some of efforts made by WWF-Indonesia related to sustainable commodity include implementing and increasing public awareness about sustainable palm oil, peatland restoration, sustainable fisheries, cross-border green economy initiatives, sustainable retail initiatives, reducing deforestation from commodity production, to promoting sustainable and equitable consumption and local food systems in Indonesia.