Sustainable fisheries management is a mandate stated in the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries Regulation No.18 of 2014. This management is aimed at achieving sustainable utilization of fisheries resources by taking into account the ecosystem, social, and economic communities and fisheries policies. Sustainable fisheries management is not only based on the fishing gear used, but also the fulfillment of vessel legality documents to support fishing activities.
In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Kepmen KP) No. 58 of 2020, every fisherman who conducts fishing business activities in the sea has the obligation to have administrative completeness in the form of a Fisheries Business License (SIUP), Fishing Permit (SIPI), Fish Carrying Vessel Permit (SIKPI), Small Pass / Large Pass, and Fishing Vessel Registration Certificate (TDKP) which are required as a permit to conduct fishing business.
So far, some fishermen have complained about the difficulty of renewing vessel legality due to not knowing the required information. Not only related to administration, another obstacle is that there are still many fishermen who do not have the ability to read and write, thus becoming an obstacle in fulfilling the completeness of vessel legality documents. Under these conditions, WWF Indonesia Foundation initiated the "Small Fishermen Vessel Legality Service Counter" in collaboration with the Harbor Master and Port Authority Office, West Manggarai Regency Government and the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province in East Manggarai, Manggarai and West Manggarai Regencies.
The Small Fishing Vessel Legality Service Outlet is the first step in collaboration between stakeholders in West Manggarai Regency. This service outlet is not only a service center for making Small Passes or measuring vessels, but will become a space for serving all fishermen's documents. Each related institution in West Manggarai Regency takes part in this service outlet, in accordance with its main tasks and functions. This Vessel Legality Service Outlet is the first service outlet to be carried out in Labuan Bajo. This activity received support from the West Manggarai Regency Government with the involvement of the Regent and Deputy Regent of West Manggarai who witnessed the ship measurement process. In addition, with this activity, the Fisheries Command Post located at TPI Labuan Bajo seemed to be revived. All fisheries administration fulfillment activities that were previously separate, in the past month have become centralized at this Fisheries Command Post.
With the initiation of this activity, it is hoped that it can become a public space for fishermen services, both in fulfilling legality, fulfilling information and collecting fishermen's production in West Manggarai Regency so that fishermen can carry out activities while maintaining marine sustainability and using environmentally friendly fishing gear, as well as making it easier for fishermen to get access to subsidized fuel and other assistance. Completeness of legality is needed as an effort to maintain coastal and marine ecosystems as well as the prevention and control of Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) Fishing which is a major threat to fisheries resources and is expected to improve the community's economy.