Since the early 2010s, marine tourism activities in Derawan Island have been growing. Along with this, waste management in this area has become one of the focuses and challenges that will be able to impact the tourism industry.
Through the Discussion of Conservation of Nature Around Us (Disko Asik) entitled "Realizing Derawan Free of Plastic Waste" held on January 30, 2024, presenting several speakers, including Irwadi Ahmadi Siregar, ST, ME as a Junior Expert Environmental Supervisor from the Berau District Environment and Hygiene Office, Indra Mahardika, SE as the Head of Derawan Island Village, Ir. Sufriady Syam, S. Kel, M. Si from Muhammadiyah Berau University, and Irvan Ahmad Fikri as Site Coordinator for Derawan MPA WWF-Indonesia.
"The Berau Environmental and Hygiene Agency certainly welcomes this plastic waste-free Derawan program. In 2030, the waste management target in East Kalimantan is 100%. Meanwhile, the achievements obtained in 2022, for the Berau Regency Government, only fulfilled 69.72% of waste management. Support and commitment from various parties to manage waste, of course, needs to be balanced with reducing the use of disposable packaging from the source," said Irwadi Ahmadi Siregar.
In May 2023, Universitas Muhammadiyah Berau together with young people in Derawan who are members of the Plastic Free Ocean Network (PFON) initiated by WWF-Indonesia, have also carried out waste data collection using the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) method. At this Asik Disco, the results of the data collection of waste generation were also presented, one of which also came from tourism activities which were dominated by plastic multilayer waste.
Sufriady Syam said, "Waste production apart from household activities is also generated from non-household waste such as restaurants, hotels, schools, offices, and shops in Derawan Island Village with an annual accumulation of 11.16 tons or equal to 30.57 kg per day. This increase in the amount of waste often increases during weekends and long holidays related to tourist visits. Therefore, a comprehensive waste management effort is an important step for Derawan Island as a marine tourism destination."
The discussion was attended by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of East Kalimantan Province, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Berau Regency, community groups in Derawan Island, youth and community groups, academics, and the general public. The stakeholders present at this activity have agreed to support the implementation of the Derawan Clean, Coastal Plastic Waste Free program or known as the "DESIR PASIR" program.
Indra Mahardika, Head of Derawan Island Village added, "We really hope that Derawan Island will actually be able to realize a plastic waste-free Derawan Island and become a pilot village in terms of waste management in Berau Regency. Of course, the support from the community and related partners is the key factor."
WF-Indonesia has delivered 4 strategies together with the Derawan Island Village Government and Pokdarwis Sumping Nusa, namely by carrying out capacity building activities and awareness to all elements of society on Derawan Island regarding coastal waste management, improving infrastructure and waste management on Derawan Island, designing a circular economy business model from waste processing, and encouraging firmer and more binding policies related to waste management.
"The current waste problem in Derawan Island only has a short-term solution and has not formed a long-term pattern of waste management. Meanwhile, Derawan Island is the entrance to explore the Derawan Islands Conservation Area and its surrounding waters. Hopefully, through the spirit of realizing Derawan free of plastic waste, it will be able to reduce the leakage of plastic waste into the sea, and can contribute positively to the management of conservation areas," concluded Irvan Ahmad Fikri.