Panda mobile is an educational truck that regularly visits schools in Jakarta and surrounding areas. It carries out an educational mission of environmental education for elementary to high school children. The main goal is to open young people's minds to the importance of conservation for the sustainability of life in the future.
Panmob, as they are called, has a busy schedule. Within a month, panmob can visit more than five schools. The panmob team itself only has two personnel to run its activities. Therefore, to reach more schools, WWF-Indonesia opens the opportunity for young people who live in Jakarta and surrounding areas to join and register to become mobile panda volunteers.
Seeing the high number of applicants in 2022, therefore in 2023, WWF-Indonesia reopened the registration of mobile panda volunteers for the second batch in June 2023.
With a fairly short recruitment time, 135 people registered to become panmob volunteers. After going through the interview and selection stage, 32 people passed the selection and were successfully selected as mobile panda volunteers.
Not necessarily directly visiting schools, but panmob volunteers get basic materials such as public speaking, storytelling, educational games, observation activities, and also corporate activation. These materials are then practiced directly when visiting schools.
Experience as a Panda Mobile volunteer
It has been one year since Marisa was selected as one of the first batch of mobile panda volunteers in 2022. Marisa has visited 30 schools in Jakarta, Depok, and surrounding areas.
This is her first experience as a WWF-Indonesia volunteer. Marisa revealed that she was very happy to get the opportunity to become a mobile panda volunteer in addition to adding friendship and experience. "By becoming a mobile panda volunteer, I can improve my public speaking, and learn to deliver material according to the age of the audience in an interesting way."
Reizha Nanda, who is still a student at Jakarta State University and also a batch 2 panda mobile volunteer, said that being a panda mobile volunteer is an extraordinary experience because she can provide environmental education to younger siblings in kindergarten and even high school students.
Reizha revealed, "Every time we visit a school, the characteristics of the students are different, so we have to be able to convey information in different ways. He further said, "We must always be cheerful and fun every time we visit so that the younger siblings are also enthusiastic," he said.
Closing the end of 2023, WWF-Indonesia invites all mobile panda volunteers to evaluate activities throughout the year and discuss to plan next year's resolution. This evaluation is important to improve teamwork, collaboration, and good communication.
In addition to the discussion session on the first day, participants also participated in fun games on the second day. This activity focuses on activities that are useful for improving cooperation, strengthening good communication within the team, solving problems, and increasing cohesiveness.
Dwi Widya, Youth Education Officer of WWF-Indonesia said, "This activity is the final activity of the end of 2023 from WWF-Indonesia for the Panda Mobile team volunteers. The activity is designed with fun activities so that the volunteer team is more solid, and compact and continues to be enthusiastic to follow the mobile panda agendas in the following year," she said.