Praise be to God Almighty for the completion of the preparation of Better Management Practices (BMP) Beach Seine Fisheries, First Edition Catch and Handling Guidelines.
The preparation of this BMP has gone through several stages, namely field data collection, desk studies at several locations, internal review of the WWF Indonesia Foundation fisheries team, and discussion of material in several focus group discussions with fisheries experts as external expert reviewers.
These BMPs are practical guidelines that can be applied in coastal fisheries, which are small-scale fisheries and post-catch fish handling with the aim of maintaining the quality of the catch. Much of the material was informed by the experience of the WWF Indonesia Foundation's fisheries team in several locations where coastal drag net operations have taken place such as Karangasem and Negara, Bali. This BMP is a living document that will continue to be refined and adjusted to developments in the field as well as suggestions and input from related parties.
Our gratitude goes to the Directorate of Fish Resources Management, Directorate of Licensing and Stewardship, Fishing Development Center (BBPPI Semarang), Academics (IPB, Unsyiah, Udayana, STPL Palu, Poltek AUP), and Karangasem Fishermen Forum for their assistance, cooperation, input, and corrections in the drafting process. We are always open to all parties for any suggestions and constructive criticism for the sake of improvement, and we do not forget to apologize if there are errors and shortcomings in the preparation process and content of this BMP.
July 2023
Author Team