The East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government (NTT Provincial Government) is committed to establishing a Marine and Fisheries Service branch office (KCD KP). This is related to Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, which emphasizes the authority to manage the sea 0-12 miles under the provincial government (pemprov). The inauguration of the Head of KCD KP was carried out on February 21, 2019 by the Deputy Governor of NTT, Mr. Yosef Naisoi at El Tari Hall, Kupang City. This inauguration activity was carried out in conjunction with the inauguration of echelon 3 and 4 officials from other Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the scope of the NTT provincial government.
The main purpose of establishing KCD KP is to increase the effectiveness of the management of Marine Protected Areas (KPP) in NTT province, especially in the field of supervision and management of coastal areas and small islands. This management is carried out to support the sustainable development of the fisheries, marine and tourism sectors in the KPP in order to improve community welfare. This is in accordance with the vision and mission of the Governor of NTT Province as stated in the 2018 - 2023 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of NTT Province.
The establishment of KCD KP is based on the Regulation of the Governor of NTT Province Number 20 of 2019 concerning the Position of the Organizational Structure of Duties and Functions and Work Procedures of the Maritime and Fisheries Service of East Nusa Tenggara Province. Not only that, the formation also refers to the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 12 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Establishment and Classification of Service Branches and Regional Technical Implementation Units.
The discussion of the formation of the service branch office has actually been carried out since 2018. The first meeting was held on February 13, 2018 and discussed the Arrangement of Service Branches within the NTT Provincial Government. The meeting was chaired by the Regional Secretary of NTT Province Ir. Benedict Polo Maing together with the Regional Apparatus of NTT Province which handles the Service Branch. There are four proposed Service Branches, namely the Fisheries and Marine Service (7 Service Branches), ESDM Service (7 Service Branches), Education Service (11 Service Branches), and Forestry Service (22 UPTD).
The establishment of service branches in the four OPDs was carried out so that the implementation of affairs that were autonomized to the NTT Provincial government based on Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government could run effectively. These autonomized affairs are in the fields of marine, forestry, secondary education, energy, and mineral resources.
The second meeting was held on May 17, 2018 and was chaired by the General Administration Assistant of the Regional Secretary of East Nusa Tenggara Province Ir. Stefanus Ratoe Oedjoe, MT who was accompanied by the Head of the Organization Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of NTT Province Ir. Ferdi J. Kapitan, M.Si.. The meeting was also attended by representatives from the Education Office, Forestry Office, Energy and Mineral Resources Office, Marine and Fisheries Office, Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA), Legal Bureau, Regional Financial and Asset Management Revenue Agency (BPPKAD) of NTT Province, as well as echelon IV officials of the relevant regional apparatus. At this second meeting, an academic study was presented regarding the proposal to form a branch of service within the scope of the NTT provincial government.
Seven branch offices of the Marine and Fisheries Service were formed at the level of echelon 3 administrators with the main tasks and functions of managing supervision, conservation, and licensing affairs in the marine and fisheries sector. Here are the seven KP KCDs in question:
- KCD KP Kupang Regency which oversees Kupang City, Rote Ndao Regency, and Sabu Raijua Regency;
- KCD KP of Belu Regency overseeing South Central Timor Regency, North Central Timor Regency and Malacca Regency;
- KCD KP Alor Regency oversees Alor Regency;
- KCD KP of East Flores Regency oversees Lembata, East Flores, and Sikka Regencies;
- KCD KP Ende Regency oversees Nagakeo Regency, Negekeo Regency, and Ngada Regency;
- KCD KP West Manggarai oversees the districts of Manggarai, West Manggarai, and Manggarai; and finally
- KCD KP East Sumba oversees the regencies of Southwest Sumba, East Sumba, West Sumba and Central Sumba.
The province of East Nusa Tenggara currently has four Regional Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) located in four districts: Pantar Strait Marine Nature Reserve (SAP) and the surrounding sea in Alor Regency, East Flores SAP in East Flores Regency, Lembata Marine Protected Area in Lembata Regency, and Sikka Marine Protected Area in Sikka Regency.
With the establishment of KCD KP, the Marine Protected Areas already have an area management unit. The Pantar Strait SAP Marine Protected Area and surrounding seas are managed by KCD KP Alor, while the East Flores, Lembata and Sikka SAP Marine Protected Areas are managed by KCD KP East Flores.
As a conservation area manager, KCD KP is expected to improve the effectiveness of the management of the four Marine Protected Areas owned by NTT Province. Thus, these MPAs can provide an increase in the welfare of the community, especially the community living in the Marine Protected Areas.